Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Gave it a try

OK I entered two pieces to be considered for publication in Lesley Riley's  Quotes Illustrated book there were 30 slots and 260 people submitted work.  I was not selected.  We had to illustrate one or two quotes approved by Lesley.

I must say this was very difficult for me.  I received two quotes from Anne Morrow Lindbergh.  I was not familiar with Anne Morrow Lindbergh so I did some research on her and purchased two of her books.  I knew that I wanted to include her knowledge of morse code and being co-pilot for her husband Charles Lindbergh.  What adventures they had together.

Here are the two pieces I submitted.  This piece has now been disassembled and some of the boarder has been incorporated in the second piece.  The morse code is the quote, "If you surrender completely to the moments as they pass, you live more richly those moments." Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Here is the second piece.  I am still working on this and adding to it.  The quote for this one is also by Anne Morrow Lindbergh, "One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach.  One can collect only a few, and they are more beautiful if they are few."

I even had this photo incorporated in the fist submission at one time.  The face is mine - the body well I think it's some guys!

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