Monday, December 19, 2011

Art group Christmas Party

Good snacks, excellent company, interesting conversation and show and tell, we all had Fun, Fun, Fun at the Christmas party.  We had an ornament swap - everyone put their ornament in a brown paper bag then all the bags were put in a basket and you get to select one.  As luck would have it no one selected their own. 

Judy made double sided stars with buttons. She didn't realize that we were doing a one for one swap.  So we all got a lovey star to take home. 

 Barb made angels for everyone.  The angel is holding a book made out of a piece of coke can and has a button for the base and halo.  Barb does a lot of art work with soda cans.  She taught us how to cut, weave and sew tin cans.  I put a piece of string around her neck and hung her on the tree.

Here is the ornament I received from Elizabeth in the swap.  It is made from a small canvas and is double sided.  I really love the collage work and the little bead hanging from the bottom. 

These are all wonderful additions to my little Christmas art tree.  Thank you ladies.

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