Friday, August 24, 2012

August 2012 JAMs meeting

We all had a great time at the August Judy's Altered Minds meeting at Artistic Artifacts  It's nice to catch up with everyone and meet new people who love making art.

This month Judith showed us how to use permanent markers (sharpies) and rubbing alcohol to create dyed fabric.  We also got to meet beautiful Daphne (8 months old now) for the first time and see all the fabulous art work mom Andrea has made for her including a quilt.


Using small pieces of fabric (I had some cotton napkins that I torn into quarters) and sharpie markers I started coloring stripes.  Once the fabric was all colored in I put a piece of the napkin below the colored fabric and poured a bit of rubbing alcohol on it which blurred the colors.  Make sure to work on a piece of freezer paper shiny side up.  The dye from the colored fabric transferred to the fabric below.  Then take another piece of fabric and place it on top.  This gives you 3 separate pieces of dyed fabric.  I must say that with 30 or so people using sharpies and rubbing alcohol it did get a bit stinky.  This is a nice fall project to do outside. 

I only did one sample - it did get too stinky for me.  I am going to experiment with lace and different kinds of fabric. Judith passed around some silky material and I used it to mop up the color and alcohol left on the freezer paper.  You can also scrunch up your fabric, place it in a plastic baggie and pour alcohol in the baggie, a bit less messy and stinky.

Be sure to let the fabric air dry then iron it to set the dye. I can't wait to experiment with this some more.  If you make something from one of your samples, please bring it to the next class to share!

Judith showing samples

Judith with sample

Judith with samples

The lovely art quilts in the background are part of the Arts and Old Lace challenge qults.

class working

My fabric with rubbing alcohol poured on it

class sample original

Fabric below, original fabric on top, and fabric used to mop up on top

class sample

Silky fabric used to mop up what was left on the freezer paper

class sample silk

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